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Pemikiran Kritis Mengupas Isu-Isu Semasa
by Sapora Sipon Muammad Noorizzudin Nooh
politics, government, and economy since 1945
Published on 1993
Jonathan Story
As an indispensable guide to the new Europe of the 1990s this land-mark text will be welcomed by a wide range of readers, from students of European Politics, government and economy to the international business community. The New Europe combines the expertise of leading authorities from around the world. It charts the political and economic contours of a Europe transformed by the disintegration of the Soviet empire, the transitions underway in central and south-eastern Europe, German Unification, and the drive towards ever closer European Union.
Call No.
JN15 .N488 1993
European Economic Community and 2 more
Material Type
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by Sapora Sipon Muammad Noorizzudin Nooh
by Jacques Chirac
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by Ministry of Information and the Arts, Singapore