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Pemikiran Kritis Mengupas Isu-Isu Semasa
by Sapora Sipon Muammad Noorizzudin Nooh
The eight Asian megatrends that are changing the world
Published on 2006
John Naisbitt
In this, the mother of all megatrends books (Wall Street Journal), John Naisbitt, the trend forecaster known throughout the world for his accuracy and acuity, turns hi attention to the explosive events occurring in Asia, and reveals the impact this area of the world will have on global economics, politics, and culture.
Call No.
HC412.N2433 1996
Nicholas Brealey Publishing Limited
Economic Forecasting and Economic Conditions
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by Sapora Sipon Muammad Noorizzudin Nooh
by Jonathan Story
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by Ministry of Information and the Arts, Singapore